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  • 资源简介:兽人骑士和公牛坐骑模型雕刻全流程教程
  • 详细描述


    003 - Customizing Zbrush Interface.mp4
    004 - Make custom popup window in Zbrush.mp4
    005 - Starting the head from sphere.mp4
    006 - Making the head part 2.mp4
    007-Making the head part 3.mp4
    008-Making the hair part 1.mp4
    009 -Making the hair part 2.mp4
    010 -Starting the body.mp4
    011 - Making the body part 2.mp4
    012 - Making the body part 3.mp4
    013 - Making the body part 4.mp4
    014-Making the body part 5.mp4
    015 - Making the body part 6.mp4
    016 - Making the body part 7.mp4
    017 - Making the body part 8.mp4
    018 - Making the body part 9.mp4
    019 - Final Touches on the body and head.mp4
    020-Section 02 Summary.mp4
    021 - Starting the bulls head.mp4
    022 - Refining the horns and starting the body.mp4
    023-Making the body part 2.mp4
    024-Refining the head and the body part 3.mp4
    025-Refining the head and the body part 4.mp4
    026-Refining the head and the body part 5.mp4
    027-Section 03 Summary.mp4
    028 -Combining orc and bull and starting the IMM brush.mp4
    029 - Making the IMM brush part 2.mp4
    030 - Making the IMM brush part 3.mp4
    031 -Starting the 3D sketch.mp4
    032 - Making the 3D sketch part 2.mp4

    084 -Making the weapon part 4. mp4
    085 -Makiing the weapon part 5. mp4
    086 -Adding details on the orc and the bull. mp4
    087-Making the fur part 1. mp4
    088 -Making the fur part 2. mp4
    089 -Making the cape part 1. mp4
    090 -Making the cape part 2. mp4
    091 -Making the cape part 3. mp4
    092 -Section 06 Summary. mp4
    093 -Making metal and skin materials. mp4
    094 -Making beard, rust and leather material. mp4
    095 -Making metal 02 and bone materials. mp4
    096 -Making fabric material and few tweaks. mp4
    097 -Making the pose part 1. mp4
    098 -Making the fist. mp4
    099 -Making the pose part 3. mp4
    100 -Making final adjustments. mp4

    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dHvFnbtQX28yPwuq6qbW2Q?pwd=u7v3 提取码: u7v3