
Blender 2.8百科全书教程47.4GBThe Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia

【8751】-Blender 2.8百科全书教程47.4GBThe Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia(英文无字幕)

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  • 资源简介:Blender 2.8百科全书教程47.4GBThe Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia(英文无字幕)
  • 详细描述

    Blender 2.8百科全书教程47.4GBThe Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia

    1. Welcome to The Blender Encyclopedia
    10. Modifiers
    11. Rigging Tools (Animation Skeletons)
    12. Skinning a Character
    13. Creating a Professional Character Rig
    14. Animation
    15. Shaders and Materials
    16. Cameras
    17. Render (Cycles)
    18. Render (Eevee)
    19. Project-Isometric Living Room in Cycles
    2. Understanding Blender
    3. Working with Blender
    4. Blender's Data System & Scenes
    5. Modeling (Mesh)
    6. Modeling (Curve)
    7. Modeling (Surface)
    8. Drivers
    9. Constraints
    Blender 2.8百科全书教程47.4GBThe Blender 2.8 Encyclopedia
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